Hi,I'm Arya MajiahSoftware Engineer | Mobile Developer | Web Developer
Retro Computer by Tobalation is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.
Years Experience
Graduated from
Maranatha Christian UniversityComputer Science2020 - 2024 | GPA 3.97
i2c Studio
Junior Web Developer
Bangkit Academy 2023by Google, GoTo, and TravelokaMobile Development CohortTrained about Android native mobile development with Kotlin and studied about soft-skills and English. In the end, created a team to make a product for capstone project.
Web Development
HTML CSS JS PHP Laravel Spring
Android Learning Path Dicoding
Menjadi Android Developer Expert
Belajar Prinsip Pemrograman SOLID
Mobile Development
NativeAndroid | Kotlin, Java | Jetpack ComposeMulti PlatformFlutter | Dart
AWS Academy GraduateCloud FoundationsOpen Certificate
E-Commerce REST APISpring Boot | JavaGo To Repository
More Certificate on Linkedin
Final Year ProjectHebat MobileMobile application that helps Purwakarta District Health Office find new tuberculosis cases.
Daily CloudDaily CloudBangkit Capstone ProjectKotlin | Jetpack Compose | AI ImplementationGo To Repository
Movie Ticket
Movie Ticket
FlutterDartTMBD APIBLoCGo Router
More Projects on Github
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